Geography Spain

Geography of Spain

Discover the geography of Spain: A Journey Beyond Common Borders

Limits and Territorial Extension

Spain, the gem of southwestern Europe, encompasses 80% of the Iberian Peninsula, sharing its charms with neighboring Portugal. Its boundaries form a geographical symphony: to the north, it embraces the Cantabrian Sea, France, and Andorra; to the east, it sways with the waters of the Mediterranean Sea; to the south, it merges into the fusion of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic; and to the west, it glides into the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean, connecting destinies with Portugal.

With a total area of 505,957 km², Spain not only covers the peninsula but also includes the Balearic Islands, the Canary Archipelago, and two North African jewels, Ceuta and Melilla.

The Cultural Heart: Madrid

Where modernity intertwines with rich history, Madrid, the capital of Spain, invites you to discover its treasures.

With a population of 4,726,000 souls, Madrid goes beyond being a mere capital; it is the cultural heartbeat of the country. Here, national institutions like the Congress of Deputies, the Senate, the Royal Palace, and the National Library breathe life into historical heritage. Madrid, cosmopolitan and vibrant, balances modernity and history with finesse.

Population Portrait: Diversity and Harmony

Discover the ethnic palette of Spain, where cultures interweave to create a fascinating mosaic.

With a population exceeding 47 million, Spain stands out with a unique density of 92/km². Communities like Madrid, the Basque Country, the Canary Islands, and Catalonia are vibrant hubs, while regions like Castilla-La Mancha reveal a serene calm with fewer than 30 inhabitants per square kilometer.

Autonomic Mosaic

Immerse yourself in the 17 Autonomous Communities, each with its own essence and charm.

From the vibrant Andalusia to the dynamic Basque Country, the Autonomous Communities define territorial diversity. Two North African jewels, Ceuta and Melilla, add an exotic touch to this palette.

Mountains, Beaches, and Rivers in the geography of Spain

Explore the natural contrasts that make Spain a breathtaking canvas.

Spain, more than just sunny beaches, is a mountainous country. With five majestic mountain ranges, from the Pyrenees in the north to the Baetic in the south, Spanish geography is a visual symphony. Its 8,000 km of coasts, embraced by the Mediterranean, the Atlantic, and the Cantabrian, tell tales of marine diversity.

Spanish rivers, such as the Ebro, Duero, Tagus, and Guadalquivir, weave their way through the landscape, nourishing the land and imagination.

Diversity of Landscapes: Beyond Expectations

Embark on a journey through a country that goes beyond typical postcards, revealing its diverse landscapes.

From the beaches of Gran Canaria to the mountains of Granada, the plains of La Mancha, the forests of Cantabria, the lakes of Zamora, and the deserts of Almería, Spain unfolds as a vivid canvas of surprising landscapes. This is a voyage through its contrasts, where each region tells a unique story.

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